Monday, March 8, 2010

After Insanity - Spa Day disappointment

Spa Day was a complete and utter disappointment.

The massage started, and as usual I was asked "how is the pressure". I told her she could do harder. She adjusted and it didn't feel very different. I told her she could go a lot harder. She got moderately harder and then I told her she could do it as hard as she could, that I would be able to take it.

Her hardest felt like she was rubbing me.

I haven't had a whole lot of massages in my life - under 10 - so I don't really know the etiquitte. Can you tell them you want to stop and ask for someone who has more strentgh?

At any rate, I feel like the massage was a total waste of money. Now that I've spent the money, I can't go and get myself a better massage somewhere else.

I consoled myself with a fish taco nearby while waiting for my hair appointment. I really needed a haircut 2 months ago, but I wanted to wait until after Insanity so that my hair would continue to be long enough to pull back through the program.

Anyway, I went into the salon (a new one for me, my old one is too far out of the way now that I live across the bay) with a different version of this picture of Drew Barrymore, and said I wanted the same, but for it to be a little bit longer, coming UNDER my chin:

I walked out of the salon with this, instead, and I HATE it on me:

Under normal circumstances, I would be only moderately upset by the wasted money on the massage and able to rationalize "it's only hair, it'll grow" better, but today was supposed to be my reward for putting myself through the intensive 9-week Insanity program. Instead I feel cheated, like it was more of a punishment.

I hope you'll understand why I'm not in the mood to reflect more on the last 9 weeks tonight.

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