Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 61

DVD - Max Interval Plyo

OMG OMG OMG. My last intense workout until after Hip Hop Abs. My last intense workout on a 6-day per week basis.

Or so I thought.

Then I looked at my workout calendar tonight and noticed that tomorrow I'm supposed to do Max Cardio Conditioning and Cardio Abs again.


Merde! especially because I didn't find this out until AFTER I FINISHED TONIGHT!

Well, obviously I knew at some point, because I had read the chart before. I guess I just suppressed the knowledge all week, looking forward to tonight as the end my Insanity boot camp.

Overall I pretty much kicked ass tonight, with the exception of not doing one of the 32 Push-up/32 Floor Sprint circuits, because for the past few workouts one of the muscles, nerves or tendons on the inside of my left elbow has been feeling really over taxed. When stressed in certain positions it starts to give out, in the same manner your leg does when someone comes up behind you and while you are standing and knees your knee cap. Know what I mean? And then your knee involuntarily bends? Same thing. But this actually hurts, and I've promised myself from the beginning of Insanity that I wouldn't push myself to injury. I've made it this far, I'm not going to break that promise now!

What sucks is that I've finally gotten past the constant shoulder pain, so without this new weakness in my arm I'd be able to do all of the Push-ups (I think).

I bet when I've had a chance to rest little more and the pain goes away, I'll be able to do just that.

It actually makes sense to me I'd end up with some sort of pain in my left arm. I'm right-handed, so my right arm was in better shape going into Insanity. For a long time I worked in restaurants and over the years I did everything from lift hundreds of sauced & cheesed pizza skins on cooking screens in a 4 hour period to carrying trays full of drinks and lugging cases of liquor up a ladder to the 2nd floor, all with my dominate arm. My right bicep was buff. Even now when I flex, my right arm is much harder than my left, while both have visible musculature.

After Sunday, when I've finished "boot camp", I'll talk a little bit more about my muscle development.

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