Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 30

DVD - Core Cardio and Balance

I'm thinking of this workout as a slow burn. During the warm-up segment, I don't even break a sweat. It has been cold lately, and when I get home in the evening it is obvious there has been no heat on in my apartment all day. My workout clothes aren't exactly warming, so I've been chilled every night I've put them on during the last 4+ weeks. When I'm doing the insane cardio workouts, my body heats up during the first interval and it doesn't take long before I am dripping. The sweat literally flies off me.

With Core Cardio & Balance I make it through the warm-up, and I still feel cold. Until we start the stretch that is. Then all of the sudden I start to get warm, warmer, and warmer still. You know how when you've been outside walking in the cold at a brisk pace, when you go inside and stop moving, your body starts to feel warm until suddenly you feel like a furnace?

That's what this is like.

I do end up pretty sweaty, but for the most part not drippy sweaty. A few stray drops do fall, but mostly I just glisten. Tonight I looked down at my arms and chest and I was sparklin' like a Twilight vampire.

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