Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 46

DVD - Cardio Recovery

I almost didn't do this workout at all today, even though it is no where near as difficult as what I've pushed myself through the past few days. I was sitting at my desk this afternoon and convinced myself I didn't need to do the day of yoga and controlled stretching and that it might in fact be better for me if I didn't do any workout at all tonight, especially because I will be doing the Fit Test on my Sunday rest day. Without a rest this Sunday, it will be the following Sunday before I get one.

Two weeks is a long time to go without a break.

And then I changed my mind on the BART ride home, because I suddenly thought to myself something along the lines of, "but then I won't be able to say I got through the 63 days doing all of the workouts, and how lame that it wasn't even one of the Insane ones I skipped?"

But I'm thinking I shouldn't have talked myself out of talking myself out of it.


I guess going extra hard at the leg plyo moves last night to compensate for my inability to do 200+ push-ups caught up with me. On the upside, tonight my shoulders felt fine.

The squat and lunge section of the workout did me in. I got through the squat portion pretty well, but then at some point during the lunges my mind wandered (which tends to happen when I'm not pushing through crazy cardio) and I lost track of which leg I should be working on. So I sort of just stopped. Then there was another squat segment. For some reason I forgot that the lunge segments are broken up into two segments, each concentrating on one leg. Since I'd blown the first segment, I decided to wait out the second. At any rate, by this point the lower part of my quads were killing me, and my knees hurt every time I bent them too far. Which is weird, because going up the stairs from BART earlier today I thought to myself "wow, my knees don't hurt at all!"

I decided I would wait until the next exercise to start again. I was doing fine until we had to get down on the floor for the move I called my favorite in my review of this workout way back on Day 4. I got into the bench position but when I raised my knees off the ground like you are supposed to, I felt like my knees were being stabbed - then I had to raise and extend backward one leg for pulsing and both knives were in the knee now supporting twice as much weight. I tried to grit my teeth and get through all the pulses but I couldn't. I chose Child's Pose instead. Likewise I tried the other leg and managed a few pulses before going into Child's Pose. Given that, I didn't even try the one where I'm supposed to hold that position and bring my knee up to my shoulder.

I need to be able to walk tomorrow.

And do Max Cardio Conditioning, which will be accompanied by Cardio Abs for the first time (for a whopping workout time of 1:04.

I was fine for the rest of the workout and am hoping that by choosing to not push my knees tonight means they'll be fine for the workouts tomorrow. Digging deeper is a great concept, but not if it means you can't do the next workout at all.

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