Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 12

DVD - Cardio Power & Resistance

Another hard day for me in terms of motivation. Because I've chosen to do this, it means I have chosen to isolate myself from social interaction during the evenings which I can remedy on the weekends to some extent, except when all of my friends have other things to do. Then, spending a Friday night working out and going into a 3-day weekend with no hope of interaction other than with my cats and any people at stores/shops i visit can provide makes me feel kind of depressed and pathetic. Even though I know I'm doing something to help and improve myself.

What can I say? I am a Gemini. I often hold two contradictory feelings about something, or want two contradictory things. For example: I want to be able to eat everything I want in the quantities I want, but I also don't want to be huge. Or I want to test myself and workout and be totally focused on that, but I also want social interaction. The answer might be communal workout, except that I can't really afford a gym.

So anyway. I made myself do the workout, in spite of not really feeling it. It was obvious I wasn't really feeling it because I couldn't work the will up to push myself as hard as I have while doing this work-out in the past. Conversely, I was able to do more reps of some of the up-and-down-from-the-floor than I ever had. And!

I mastered the Moving Push-up! I still can't do as many as the folks on the screen, but I can do the move. Woohoo!

Tomorrow I go back to Cardio Power, but with a twist. I now have to add Cardio Abs to Cardio Power, which is going to extend the workout by 15-20 minutes. For the rest of this month, I will continue to do these two workouts together. Hopefully close to an hour workout will get me geared up for next month, when all of the workouts are between 50 & 60 minutes.

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