Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 6 - Casa de loco

DVD - Plyometric Cardio Circuit

Today I went back and repeated the first workout. After today, I'll do this DVD 5 more times. It turns out my memory of the workout was a little off when I reviewed it here. I've been thinking this whole time that there were rest periods between the intervals during the warm-up. There weren't. It was straight through just like Pure Cardio last night. To go from not being able to make it through a 10-minute intense cardio segment without breaks to doing so 2 nights in a row in 3 workouts in the space of 5 days is pretty insane. Thanks Shaun T!

I won't re-hash the rest of the workout: other than inserting non-existent scheduled breaks during the warm-up, my description was accurate.

As I mentioned above, I made it through the entirety of the warm-up without rests. The warm-up is the same as Pure Cardio last night. The variant is Resistance & Plyo. The stretch session is the same in all three and I am noticing a slight increase in my flexibility and balance.

I did better during the interval series - made it through the first 2 intervals of the first circuit and almost to the end of the 3rd before needing an extra break, where I'd needed an extra break during the 1st interval on Day 2. I am still stopping for a few seconds more frequently than the crew, but can notice a gradual improvement.

I started strong during the 1st interval during the 2nd circuit, but was knocked off my game by the heart-burn/indigestion I'd been suffering all day (this happens to me at certain times of the month). The first exercise in the circuit is "Basketball Drill" where you start from a bent-knee position and launch yourself up like you're shooting a free-throw. I'd been jumping up and down during other parts of the workout, but at this point the sourness of my stomach was working upward a little bit and as I started the "Level One Drill" (jumping down to the floor for push-ups, running in a plank position and jumping up repeatedly) I burped and felt a warm and acrid taste rise in my throat.

I considered giving-up; several times earlier I'd thought to myself "I've worked hard and I'm feeling a little funky, maybe this time I'll fast-forward to the cool down. What's a few less minutes? Instead, I ran to the bathroom for some Tums, sat out for 2 minutes and then tried to push through as much of the rest as I could, avoiding any of the serious up-and-down from the floor moves but doing any that were all on the floor, or all upright. It really wasn't serious enough to completely stop, and part of challenging myself and my limits is to try to get through some of these lesser physical obstacles. Don't worry, I know the difference between accommodating a little indigestion and needing to stop because I've seriously strained or otherwise injured something. If it so happens I have another bout, I'll remember to take the Tums early enough before the workout that it won't be a factor.

Since it is the weekend, I didn't want to have to get up for my 7:30am feeding. I was up in time for 10:30 and had some coffee (I haven't given up coffee), but didn't get around to "breakfast" until closer to 1:00 pm when I had 1-550 calorie meal consisting of a 2 egg, 1 egg white omelet with mushrooms, spinach and mozzarella cheese, 2 veggie sausage links and an english muffin. For a late afternoon snack I had half a peanut butter sandwich and a small banana (about 250 calories). Dinner was a small piece of steak (4 oz before cooking), a good-sized broccoli crown steamed and tossed with 1 oz. of goat cheese and half a medium-sized red potato, baked and topped with 1. tbsp light sour cream (about 600 calories). Today felt like splurging, even though calorie-wise I consumed slightly less than on my 5 small meals days.

And so that's the first week of Insanity. On Sundays I rest.

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