Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 27

DVD - Plyometric Cardio Circuit
+ 3 miles of walking & chores

Today I did the workout earlier in the day than I normally do because I invited friends over for a soup and movie night. For them to come over at 7:00, I had to start the workout well before my usual 6:30. Man, if only I could workout every day at 4:00 pm - I had a lot more energy than I normally do, even after walking 3 miles, grocery shopping, doing laundry and cleaning my apartment for company. Given my higher energy level during the day, you might be wondering, why don't I try working out in the morning before work?

Let's just say I am not an early morning person. I hated getting up for school when I was a teenager, and I actually really loved school. Starting my first year of college, I got used to getting up later in the morning and found I much preferred it. My ideal lifestyle would be up at 9 am and working from 11 - 7. Too bad the rest of that world doesn't like that schedule.

I adapted quite easily to the funky schedule of restaurant life. Maybe because I was younger then. But I've been getting up to be at work by 9:00 am for going on 10 years now and I still haven't adapted to mornings. I'm a firm believer that our bodies have an internal clock. Mine is not set for working 9 - 5, but I struggle through. Even if I could get my ass out of bed early enough to workout before the office, my energy level would not comply. While I am moving and/or engaged to some extent pretty much until I pass out on the sofa or go to bed each night - the flip side is that it is really hard to re-animate me in the morning. I refuse to pop pills to start my day.

But I digress.

Today was my last day with the first month's DVDs. I finished on the same disc I started. Whether it was working out in the afternoon or a return to my pre-ankle-twisting stamina, I was able to get through as much if not more of this workout than before I hurt my ankle. I noted that I was concentrating harder on my form than I had been, and I know from experience that the better your form gets with these exercises, the harder you work and the harder the exercise becomes.

That being said, I confess I am still worried about starting the 50 - 60 minute workouts a week from Monday.

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