Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 18

DVD - Cardio Recovery

There is not much to say about this workout now that I've done it three times.

I realized earlier today that other than a small helping of pesto pasta the Jamesand a little bit of sugar in my coffee each day (and a couple of bites of tiramisu at a hotel visit) - I haven't had any white flour or refined sugar in almost 3 weeks. It's been all lean protein, whole grains and fruit and veggies for me, baby. Well, and wine.

Between the healthier eating and the workouts, I've been sleeping better, able to get up a little earlier and don't get that late afternoon fatigue I used to get that had me dozing off on the commute home.

I've been thinking about what I want to do when I finish Insanity. My top three choices are:

1) Take up running. The attraction here is that it is essentially free. Once I have the right shoes and some running clothes, that will be the extent of my investment. I will be used to an elevated heart rate for extended periods, so right off the bat I should be able to do a 30 - 40 minute run (I'm hoping). The downside is I can't keep up running during the rainy parts of the year, so I will have to supplement with other things. The other moment of pause is that my biological father was/is a runner. I don't keep in touch with him and in general I would prefer (strongly prefer) to have as little in common with him as possible.

2) Another set of videos. I like Shaun T as an instructor a lot, and am interested in his Hip Hop Abs series. I love to dance, so a workout disguised as dancing would be wonderful! And oh, the abs I could have ...

3)Try a martial art again. Kickboxing was too intense for me when I was pushing 200lbs. But after Insanity, I think I can keep up. So maybe I'll try kickboxing again. Or Krav Maga. Or maybe Capoeira: dancing AND kicking ass.

4) Some combination of all three above.

I'm leaning toward door #4.

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